Workout 1
All done 12-15 reps
Incline bench seated bicep curl to standing bicep curl
Squat with overhead press
Walking lunges
Front raise/rear delt raise
Ice Skaters
Step up to bicep curl
Hops over bench
Workout 2
All done 12-15 reps
Reverse lunge w/ row with band
Tricep kickback
Jump squats
Stationary lunge with front raise
Running bicep curl
Jumping jacks with overhead press
Deadlift with row
Skull crush
Knee tucks with push up
Workout 3 All done 12-15 reps Front lunge/reverse lunge Push up to row Alternating bicep curls Plie squat with front raise 1 arm row on ball Jump lunges Leg extensions with overhead press Shoulder T-lifts Glute bridge
Workout 4
Side squat with bicep curl to overhead press
2 arm row on 1 leg
Squat/lunge/jump squat/lunge
Y, T, I with band
Shoulder circles
1 leg squat
Tricep kickbacks