Life Begins Outside of Your Comfort Zone

You know that dreaded conversation you have every year, “What are we going to do for New Years?” Well, this year I decided to get out of my comfort zone and do something completely different for New Years, I booked a trip to Thailand with a bunch of friends. I love to travel, I have been all over the US, plenty of islands in the Caribbean, Europe and even South America but a trip to Asia was completely out of my comfort zone but it was going to be awesome!
I booked the trip months in advanced and didn’t think about it that much until a few weeks before when I started to freak out about it. Wait, a 20 hour flight across the world, how would I be able to handle that? And of course I was freaked out that I would end up like the girl from broke down palace in a Thai prison for being framed for smuggling drugs. Ahh! What was I thinking? Could I back out of this trip now?
After some friends talked me off a ledge I packed up and I was on my way to Asia for the first time. Ok, so I made it through security without being stopped, step one completed and you know what, there are some movies and books I could read on the 20 hour flight that I have been meaning to catch up on. Ok, I can do this!
The trip to Thailand was amazing! We got to meet and pet tigers, ride an elephant, relax on the beach, light lanterns and send our wishes for 2014 into the universe, saw lady boys, got numerous massages and got to spend time with my friends and do one of my most favorite things almost every day, lie on the beach and soak up the vitamin D! (see my pictures on Instagram @sabrinafitness)
There were many times on the trip that I would turn one of my closet friends, Anne, when we were doing something crazy and say, “Life begins outside of your comfort zone.” And you know what, that is the truth. My parents have always fostered the attitude you only live once and you have to seize opportunities when they come your way. If I never stepped out of my comfort zone I would never see the things that I saw. I even lived without checking my email or Instagram numerous times a day! (That’s what happens when you can’t get any wifi service anywhere!)
So as the new year begins I want to challenge you to live outside of your comfort zone as uncomfortable as it may seem. Whether it be to challenge yourself to start that workout you always wanted, or to go to yoga class and not care about how you look since you don’t know the poses. Challenge yourself to do something different and trust in the process. What are you going to do this year that is outside of your comfort zone? Let me know!