Browsing Archive: February, 2014
Posted by Sabrina Sarabella on Thursday, February 27, 2014,
Don’t eat this, no carbs, no fat, ahh don’t you hate when people tell you what you can’t do? I know I do. One thing that I don’t do well is listening to people who are trying to tell me what not to do when I really want to do it. So, as you can imagine when diets I have been on in the past say don’t eat a certain food it only makes me want it more. You know the rule, you always want what you can’t have.
Do you feel the same way I do about restricting diets? Well, what if y...
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Love Your Body
Posted by Sabrina Sarabella on Wednesday, February 12, 2014,
Recently a client said to me, “I was looking at pictures of me a few years ago and I didn’t realize how skinny I was. I always thought I was so fat and looking back I really wish I would have just enjoyed being young and skinny.” That comment got me thinking about how many people feel that same way.
Why do we as woman beat ourselves up constantly about our body image? We are never pretty enough, thin enough, always asking our friends do we look fat in this, etc. How many men do yo...
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Is Winter Making You Fat and Depressed
Posted by Sabrina Sarabella on Tuesday, February 4, 2014,

I don’t know about you but I am over this extremely cold weather and winter here in the north east. One thing I always here people telling me is how they gain weight and become more depressed over the winter. I definitely find myself hibernating more often and sometimes skipping my workouts because I don’t want to walk to the gym. Winter can be a long few months if you are feeling like its got the best of you. Here are a few tips to get you through the rest of this winter.
Eat les...
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